The idea of self driving vehicles has never been more popular than today. In 2009, Google launched a self-driving car project. Following that, came Tesla, the car brand and tech company we know today. Space is making unbelievable strides in such short periods of time, but is this good or bad on the environment and what are the effects of it? There are many positive effects that will come as a result. According to the article it says that “Intel and Strategy Analytics estimate that there will be a seven trillion dollar boost on the global economy and a 2 trillion dollar boost on the US economy by 2045.” Along with the advancement of the economy it is predicted that over 600,000 lives will be saved by 2045. Another positive has to do with the technology that is being implemented into the self driving car. Using machine learning, deep learning and AI, the cycle of collecting data is endless. Using those technologies, you can train models to self-sufficiently improve its understanding of the world and its environment, allowing the car to make better informed decisions. Another positive in the development of the car is that using the technology called Recurrent Neural Network the amount of errors is minimized. It does this by replacing human fine-tuning with algorithms that implement the chain rule in calculus. Although there are positives, there are negatives in this advancement. One major negative is that by 2045 it is reported that around five million truckers, cabbies and other drivers will be put out of work. Another problem with self-driving cars is the Convolutional Neural Network. The CNN plays a major role in the development, training it allows it to perform convolutional operations on images to locate and classify them. The problem is that CNN can only select a single portion of the image to classify on.