Peter J. Welling III Professor Brewer Data 150 30 September 2021
The configuration between life expectancy and income was very interesting when comparing Cuba and the United Kingdom together. Starting from the 1940s, both the United Kingdom and Cuba increased in life expectancy and income at similar rates all the way until the 1990s. The income levels for Cuba had dropped from eight thousand to two thousand in 5 years. After the mid 1990s Cuba began to increase its income at the same pace as it originally was. Although they increased at similar rates the average income in the United Kingdom is 46.7 thousand while Cuba’s income sits at 9,790. The incomes are very different but their average life expectancy is relatively similar. Cuba’s average is around 78 while the United Kingdom is around 81. During the 1990s Cuba had a tough economic time period. This was due to the fact that in 1991 the Soviet Union had collapsed and had been a major part of the development of Cuba. Because of this event, the income levels of Cuba dropped significantly for consecutive years and caused them to fall behind in the consistency with the United Kingdom in rising income levels. What I thought was unusual was during the collapse of the Soviet Union, Cuba’s life expectancy did not fall at all. It seems unusual that not enough persons died when homeless increased and income fell.